Friday 22 May 2015

Lets cure diabetics..

Diabetics is becoming a common disease nowadays.It is nothing but the lack of control of blood sugar level.
It is usually due to the lack of
insulin hormone.Hence blood sugar level increases and causes severe
health problems.

Here is some ways for both prevention and cure of
As in the case of any disease, prevention is better than cure in diabetics.

We can prevent diabetics by having paste of neem leaves daily.It is
also effective even though you are diabetic.It can reduce your blood
sugar level.

Avoid rice foods,Include peas and non-cooked vegetables in diet.
Exercise is the best way to control diabetics.It can burn your extra
fat and sugar.Hence you can become diabetic free by just walking an hour daily.
Gooseberry is a good medicine for diabetics.
Include Fenu greek in your dishes.It can also reduce your blood sugar level.
Avoid artificial food colours and soft drinks in your life style.It is
good for the increase of your overall health.Have a healthy life

(Contributer: Sathyanand.T)
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